Reading List

Here is a list of the books you will not find online, nor in the course pac, so you will have to purchase  or borrow:

Chamberlin, Edward. If This is Your Land, Where are Your Stories? Finding Common Ground. Toronto: AA. Knopf. 2003. Print.

Frye, NorthropThe Bush Garden; Essays on the Canadian Imagination. 2011 Toronto: Anansi. Print.

King, ThomasThe Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative. Peterbough:Anansi Press. 2003. Print.

– – Green Grass Running Water. Toronto:  Harper Collins, 1993. Print.

Robinson, HarryLiving by Stories: a Journey of Landscape and Memory. Compiled and edited by Wendy Wickwire. Vancouver: Talon Books2005. (1-30)

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