The Purple Umbrella

If I were telling this story with you, instead of writing it down, I would take the time to elaborate here and tell you all about my purple umbrella. I would begin with the story of how I walked under this purple umbrella on an ancient pilgrimage across Spain, El Camino d’ Santiago — I walked for fifty days. I would tell you this to make a special connection with you, because we all have some simple item that is filled with meaningfulness (a shell, a rock, a piece of string, an old ring). You might even say my purple umbrella is a tiny bit sacred for me; in so much as I keep it in a special place and I always have it on important journeys. But, all this is not included in the story because it would take much too much time to craft my words to make that kind of connection with you through words on a page, or screen. That kind of writing story is the art of great writers. This is just a blog. So, I hyperlink my asides, and carry on never knowing if my reader will click, or not.

1 thought on “The Purple Umbrella

  1. CaylaBanman

    This connection you speak of, the one you will not put into the bulk of your story merely because it is a blog and not the “appropriate setting,” I feel is an important aspect of oral story telling in Indigenous culture. However, I feel like this is an assumption on my part. Would you care to elaborate on this “connection” between story teller and listener?
    Even in The Writer’s Café interview with Chamberlin, he mentions how an elder refused to tell a story because the ceremony during which it is told could not be replicated.

    Hi Cayla, thanks for your questions. Here is a great website to read, which will assist you with understanding connections between the storyteller and the listener:



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