Magdalena How's Student Blog ENGL 372 99C

Assignment 3:7 (Hyperlinking GGRW) | Identity: Allusions to Illusions

Posted by in ENGL 372 99C Blog Assignments, Unit 3

Hyperlinking Green Grass, Running Water The Challenge: Discover as many allusions as you can to historical references (people and events), literary references (characters and authors), mythical references (symbols and metaphors). For this week’s assignment, I’ll be looking at a section of Part Two of Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King. I’m using the Kindle Edition, so my pages are a little different; I’m focusing on Locations 1718-1851, beginning with “Portland Looking Bear had been a movie star” and ending with “Under the book was a twenty-dollar tip.” As Dr….read more

Assignment 3:5, Q5 | What’s in a Name?

Posted by in ENGL 372 99C Blog Assignments, Unit 3

5. Narratives assume, in Blanca Chester’s words, “a common matrix of cultural knowledge.” The Four Old Indians are perhaps the best examples of characters that belong to a matrix of cultural knowledge, which excludes many non-First Nations. What were your first questions about and impressions of these characters? How have you come to understand their place in the novel. It is undeniable that the characters in Green Grass, Running Water are exceptionally layered and complex. Of these characters, arguably the most layered are the “Four Old Indians.” We first see…read more

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