Feed back on Conference Websites

Good Monday Morning 470

I am a little behind schedule as a result of a toothache that has kept me away from my work because it hurt to think – honest! Today I am back at work, beginning with a review of your websites to date before I continue with your Unit Three Evaluations. Thank you all for your patience.

After previewing all of your websites, I am excited! Here are just a few general notes for you to consider:

  • Missing a ‘HOME’ page, or your HOME page is listed to the far right, when it should be the first page your guest arrives at: like opening the front door and welcoming someone in and making introductions. Your Home page is important, it is your first impression.
    • Please read instructions more carefully: ” Your HOME page is your main page  that
      1. welcomes your visitors,
      2. summarizes our course & conference goals,
      3. and introduces your research project.
  • ABOUT pages should have a short ‘team’ introduction before you jump into your individual interests.
    • Please ensure you have included all of the requested elements in your individual bios:
      • Each team member should write a short bio and introduction with
        • a  general description of your individual area of interest
        • and one or two reasons why you are interested in your team’s area of research.
  • Annotated Bibliographies: you will note in the examples provided in Lesson 4:2 there are between 4 and 6 hyperlinks included in the annotation; accordingly I expect your annotations to have between 4 and 6 hyperlinks.
  • Navigation: Please check your links; a number of sites have links in the menu that lead to the wrong pages – so, be sure to double check every time you hyperlink, thanks.

I will be back with more insights on your conference research as soon as I complete evaluating Unit Three blogs and Dialogues. Keep up the wonderful work! Thank you all.

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