A Blog on Canadian Literary Genres by Simon Sierra

Assignment 1.1: Welcome Post

Edward S. Curtis, 1914
Edward S. Curtis, 1914

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog!

My name is Simon, I’m a third year student at UBC currently pursuing a double major in English Honours and Creative Writing. ENGL 470A is a course I initially opted to take in order to fulfill my Canadian Literature requirement but after reviewing the reading list and the objectives of this course, I am glad to say I am very enthusiastic about this upcoming semester.

I was born and raised in Vancouver so I am more than happy to use this opportunity to learn about the peoples, cultures, histories, and stories that have shaped this country and region. As much as I want to say that I’ve learned about the Indigenous peoples of Canada, theirs is a tradition so rich and complex I know that there is so much I haven’t even gone near exploring.

Aside from that, as a student receiving a BA in English Literature I believe I owe it to myself to gain a fuller appreciation and knowledge of the Canadian literary canon. The only other text from this reading list I’ve encountered in a previous course was Thomas King’s The Truth About Stories and I remember fondly how entertaining that book was and the variety of themes it touched upon that are really fundamental to identity and place for any Canadian, be they an immigrant or a native.

I’m looking forward to using this blog as a space for me to further engage with this course and discuss things with everyone. Beyond the local and literary pull ENGL 470A has for me, I’m also interested in how artistic depictions of and by Indigenous peoples influence our understanding of their history. I feel like this blog provides me an unique opportunity to share links concerning this interest, whether that be in the form of an intimate portrait or an iconic sculpture (located at UBC).

I am looking forward to the rest of the term!



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