

Hello there!

This is a website created for an end-of-term project for a course called ENGL 470A. The project, called our “group conference” is the culmination of a semester full of uncovering the non-dominant narratives in Canada. The primary focus of this course has been on Indigenous narratives and their silencing throughout Canadian history and in contemporary Canadian literature and society. Our intent has been to decolonize Canadian narratives, and we have looked at a great deal of enlightening and subversive literature that has aided us in doing so. This website was created by Shamina, Christie, Devon and Charlotte; four UBC students who hope to share with you our thoughts on multiculturalism and its manifestations (or lack thereof) in Canadian literature by dissecting and elaborating on the “Us” versus “Them” dichotomy that you can learn more about by reading our annotated bibliography, research dialogue, and general research summary. We hope you enjoy our research and findings, as well as the fruitful dialogue between our group and our classmates!