Assignment 2:3 – How We View Home

It was fascinating to read what everyone had to say about this abstract concept of home.  I have narrowed my observations down to three categories, ones which I found most interesting.

1. Home as an emotion.

Ask the average person where their home is and they will likely give you some kind of location or direction to a physical place or structure.  I was surprised to find that many of us had some greater definition of home, one which included not just the house but was very inclusive.

2. People define home.

A common factor in determining where home is was the connection with people who were important in our lives.  Home is where parents or siblings or children or neighbors are.  Many of us left the familiarity of home behind when we relocated to Canada and left family and friends behind.

3. Home and culture go hand in hand.

From what I read, one must feel a social and cultural connection with the place in which their home is.  For example, if an entire family moved from Canada to Peru, they may not feel at home just because their family is intact.  Home may change location but it often takes time, a long time, for the feeling of home to catch up to the person or people who have relocated.

For me, it took relocating to from Vancouver to find my home.  The opposite of what many had encountered.  So what I have come to realize is that home is a very individual concept and means different things to different people.




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