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Hello and welcome!

This website was created by students of English 470A at the University of British Columbia with the purpose of hosting an online research conference. The theme of our course of studies was intersections in Canadian literature, and its tongue-in-cheek title was “Oh, Canada! Our Home and Native Land?”

The research our group conducted was inspired by the short essay “Watersheds,” which was published by Rita Wong in issue 204 of the journal of Canadian Literature (spring 2010). Our research question was:

How can Canadians encourage the resurgence of Indigenous languages with a view to proliferating their perspectives on the importance of healing and protecting our natural environment?

During April 0f 2015, our group posted an annotated bibliography of sources that we believed to be pertinent to this topic on our website. We then commented on each other’s sources to generate a dialogue. Our hope was that we would be able to answer our question through that dialogue, and the results of our conference can be viewed on the various pages of the website. We’re happy you could join us!