Home Page

Welcome to Parsa’s home page for English 301. This course examines the principles of written and online communication in business and professional contexts. It also examines the discussion of and practice in the preparation of abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, correspondence and online communication. English 301 provides the opportunities to practice strategies and techniques for writing in business, professional, and technical contexts. It engages students with fellow classmates through online discussions, peer review and the production and analysis of documents used in the aforementioned contexts. Overarchingly ,the course prepares students to meet the challenges of changing technologies and globalized communication that professional and technical writers face today.

I expect that this course will push me outside of my comfort zone and teach me valuable writing skills that I will use for the rest of my professional career. As someone with a Science background, I have experience with academic writing (scientific writing), but I have had little exposure to business/workplace technical writing practices. Although I anticipate that this change of pace will be challenging, I can already envision the benefits that taking this course will provide. As outlined in the course description, with the fast pace of technological advancement and globalization, effective communications skills and practices are necessary in the workplace. As such, I anticipate that English 301 will provide me with the tools and practices to thrive in the future, and make me a valuable employee through my well-established communication skills. I am looking forward to improving my emailing practices, building a strong resume, and engaging with my fellow students in academic discussion.