Monthly Archives: August 2022


Improve lighting on UBC Campus


A: Statement of the problem

B: Purpose of this report

C: Brief description of data sources

D: Scope of this inquiry


A: Methods

  1. Survey


  1. Year

a. 1st



d. 4th

e. 5th

f. Graduated

3. Degree






f. Kinesiology

4. Gender

a. Male


c.Prefer not to say

5. Questions

a. feel safe walking at night on campus

b.I think the campus is too dark at night

c. I think UBC should add more Streetlights

d. I take –night classes

e. I think the distance between my classes are



  1. Summary
  2. Recommendations

Formal Report Proposal- PY revised


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Peter Yang, ENGL 301 Student

CC: Dr. Erika Paterson

DATE: June, 22,2022

SUBJECT: Formal Report Proposal

Dear Professor Erika Patterson:

The formal report proposal has been posted on the All-Stars forum page. Underneath is a summary of my proposal.

Audience: UBC Director of Planning: Development Services  Grant Miller.

Introduction: background information about UBC and why is it a great place to visit or study.

statement of the problem: A discussion about the limited streetlight problem and the safety of students.

Proposed plan/solution: Install more laps on campus 

Scope: questions concerning students, faculty, staff and visitors. 

Methods: the distribution of surveys online through Discord.

Qualifications: Fourth Year Psychology Arts student who will graduate in May 2023.

Conclusion: summarizes problems of a few streetlights on the UBC campus.

Application Letter

Class of English 301 

University of British Columbia 

2329 West Mall 

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

May 30, 2022

Dear class of 301,

My name is Peter Yang and I am writing this application letter intended to express my interest in being part of your group for this semester. I believe my expertise and experience will bring a positive contribution to the group. 

I will graduate next May with a BA in Psychology. Due to the abundance of options out there, I began to overthink what I wanted to do after college. Among my options were graduate schools for psychology and law at UBC, and the School of Education at UBC. In the end, I decided to go into the legal field because math is not required in this profession and be admitted, whereas the others do. As a result, entering Law School and becoming an attorney would be my best option. 

Aside from this, I have participated in various volunteer work in the past. For example, I was a program leader for an afterschool care program called Steveston United Peers, which is designed for kids with disabilities to practice social skills. In addition, I also have volunteered as a swim coach at River Club and as a volunteer for my swim club: Richmond Kigoos Swim Club. On top of that, I also have volunteered at various charity events such as the Canadian Cancer Society. 

In addition to my volunteer experience, I enjoy swimming and playing basketball. In fact, I used to be on the Provincial swim team, where the swim meet was broadcasted live online on the BC Summer Swiming Association website in 2016. Furthermore, I also have earned numerous awards and am often a  Finalist for all my events.

Based on my previous experiences, I think that I am the perfect candidate for the team because of my social skills, my habit of starting assignments early and completing them in a timely manner; my habit of helping people; my habit to help with creating ideas; my habit of helping with some editing, and my habit of checking my email all the time. However, I occasionally have some grammatical errors, and sometimes lose focus if I work on something for long durations but other than that, I believe I am suitable to be part of your group. Finally, I hope that I receive your message at your earliest convenience. 


Peter Yang

301 Peter’s Application letter 1


Cover letter


University Of British Columbia 

11131 No 1 Road, 

Richmond, BC 

V7E 1S6

August 8, 2022

Dr. John Popham

Allard Hall, 

1822 E Mall,

 Vancouver, BC 

V6T 1Z1

Dear Dr. Popham

My name is Peter Yang, and I am writing this letter to express my interest in applying to Peter. A Allard School of Law here at UBC. Attending Law school is one of the things I have always wanted to do after I graduate. More specifically, I want to go to UBC law school because it is close to home and because it is one of the schools I have dreamt of attending and learning law so I can be a lawyer. Although my dream of coming to UBC came true, I never had the chance to attend any in-person courses because of the pandemic, so I think going to UBC law would be a great option for me because I get to take in-person courses and learn about the Candian law.

In May 2023, I will graduate from UBC’s Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program. The Center for Accessibility at UBC helped me overcome my learning disability, and made me very successful in my studies, which is why I will likely register myself with them again when I were be admitted. Apart from academics, I have participated in various volunteer work in the past. For example, I was a program leader for an afterschool care program called Steveston United Peers, which is designed for kids with disabilities to practice social skills. In addition, I also have volunteered as a swim coach at River Club and as a volunteer for my swim club: Richmond Kigoos Swim Club. 

On top of that, I also have volunteered at various charity events such as the Canadian Cancer Society. I also, participated in a variety of extracurricular activities such as swimming, playing basketball, and making Youtube videos. Based on these experiences, I know that I can bring a massive contribution to the UBC Law school community. I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

Peter Yang

Peter Yang


TO: Ethan Fung (Team member), Juanita Kwok (Team member) and Danae Echeverria (Team member)

From: Peter Yang, ENGL301 Student

CC: Ethan Fung (ENGL 301Team member), Juanita Kwok (ENGL 301 Team member) and Danae Echeverria (ENGL 301Team member) Matilda Murray (ENGL 301 Team Member).

DATE: June 22, 2022

SUBJECT: Best practices concerning professional networking on LinkedIn

 I have used online resources for my research on LinkedIn and here is a summary of the information I found.

  1.  Personal profile: Having a generic summary with details on skills, projects, interests, and certifications in relevant sections is crucial.
  2. Headshot: Smiling and showing most of your face in the frame is important.
  3. Summary: Having an informative summary is important.
  4. Be active: Reaching out to connections, asking for informational interviews, requesting referrals, commenting on content you come across, share content will help you get noticed.
  5. Follow companies and use job search filters: Following companies allow you to receive job alerts and give them the chance to contact you.
  6. Application: Being active and focusing on the most recent job postings is important.
  7. Join groups: Joining a LinkedIn account can help you get noticed and make meaningful connections with the industry you hope to join.
  8. Experience:  Including work experience that is relevant to your business or your projected career path is important.
  9. Engage with personal connections: Having personal connections on LinkedIn is important.
  10. Keeping: Keeping an updated profile allow more attention.

Indeed, having a LinkedIn account is both an amazing and important tool to use, for building personal connections. The topics discussed above are a summary of the research I did in regards to best practices concerning professional networking on LinkedIn.


Work Cited 

Arrive, Team. “Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile.” Arrive, 25 June 2022,

Balkhi, Syed. “How to Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro.” Business.Com, 29 June 2022,

Smulders, Stefan. “How to Network on LinkedIn – 10 Do’s and Don’ts for You to Consider.” Expandi, 30 June 2022,

LinkedIn Memo