Reflection 3

Reflection 3


As someone who is majoring in the field of Psychology, a Research Methods course is required to graduate. In other words, conducting an experiment, and writing a report on the results is not really a problem for me; however, I have only taken introductory research methods, so this assignment is considered difficult for me because when I took Research Methods, I was in groups of five where work are distributed evenly between members, so doing this assignment own is really hard.

What I found the most challenging part of this assignment is distributing the surveys. At first,  I didn’t know how and to where should I send it to and I didn’t know who will and who won’t fill it out truthfully. Because we are still in this pandemic, I didn’t want to give it to go on campus and ask people to fill it out, so I decided to use Discord instead.  This option ends up pretty successful because this keeps everyone’s information private and is much quicker to collect data; moreover, I can copy the graph from responses and paste it into my required sections. 

Peer Review

This time I feel a lot more confident doing this peer review assignment because  I know what to say and how could I help my partner be successful. For instance, instead of making paragraph-based feedback, I used bullet points and distributed them into subsections, so it will be clearer for my partner to read. Moreover,  I am open to what I should say and use good constructive criticism to help my partner write a great report. As well, as helping me with improving my report. 

Above all, unit three was a good experience.  Good experience but a challenging unit as well.

Formal Report draft

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