My very first reflection



Writing the Definition assignment was certainly not as easy as I hoped for. My first challenge in this assignment was figuring out what term I should choose to write about. However, the writing assignment was not as challenging as I imagined. After further research and consideration, I finally came across the term Medulla Oblongata, which is from Neuroscience and Medicine. Neuroscience is a branch of study that has always fascinated me. I now feel that Psychology is such a large field to major in, due to its division into so many branches. My research provided me with a great deal of information about the Medulla. More specifically, I figure that my past knowledge is just entry-level, and after this assignment, my knowledge broadens. For example, from doing the research, I learned that there are two parts to the Medulla: the dorsal region and the ventral regions. As mentioned in the assignment instructions, try not to have too much jargon, so I decided to not mention them but highlight key points and ideas regarding the Medulla Oblongata for this assignment.

Peer review

I find the peer review part of this assignment the most difficult. As a peer reviewer, I am worried that I will offend my partner or offer advice that won’t benefit them. Furthermore, I often don’t know what to say to them during peer-reviewing. Despite how stressful peer-reviewing might be, it is still the most crucial part of the writing process because this is the part where others can offer feedback to improve one’s work. During the peer review process, some miscommunication occurred when two people did a peer review on the same person which lead to one of our partners not receiving feedback, but we still managed to complete it in the end. I find this process very helpful because I realized that there are some things that I need to focus on when writing and that is my grammar. 


The editing process in this assignment is straightforward compared to the writing and peer review process because I already knew what I had to work on based on my partner’s comments. For example, adding more information in some sections as suggested by my partner; as well as, fixing the grammar mistakes that I made in the assignment. Furthermore, this also gives me the opportunity to double-check my work to see whether there are grammar mistakes and include more information or delete information if necessary. Therefore, I learned to utilize the editing process so I can get higher marks on my assignments.