Reflections on web-folio creation

Reflections on web-folio creation

Developing the web folio has been a very enjoyable and complicated experience for me because it has helped me identify the mistakes I made in my past assignments and also gives me the opportunity to improve them. Nevertheless, I need to figure out whether I should create a new website or create a new page on my original website.

I first considered creating a new website and posting all the required pages on there, for example, the Home page, about me page, the application package, cv cover letter, blogs for reflections and the best work page. But, upon further consideration, I decided to create a new page and not a new page because it is convenient for me and it is not time-consuming. All I need to do is to copy-paste my past assignments into one page and link it under “Web folio”, such as my application package, cv, cover letter and best works. So, this is what did when creating my web folio. 

Reflections on web-folio creation