Patrick Blois
How has your colleague’s experience differed from yours? And how do you know?
In this linking assignment, I have linked my work with the evolution of text with Patrick Blois analysis of writing; above is the link to the blog page I am referring to in this response. Patrick’s analysis is straightforward an offers an in-depth point-by-point utility of writing through the ages. His blog offers a good adjunct to my personal handwriting and mechanics experiences. Our experiences differ in the sense that Patrick reflects on how writing is considered to be the first IT revolution in the world. He outlines the ways that writing has fundamentally changed the way we take in information and how we share information. He reflects back on oral stories in a previous blog but here he analyzes ways that writing has pushed humanity forward in ways we describe modern technology has helped us in our lives. This is different from my experience in how I reflect on the history of writing and my experiences of writing as a way for people to enhance the stories they create before placing it in paper. Patrick focuses on the knowledge that writing gives us while I focused on the affective ways that writing enhances our humanity.
What web authoring tool have they chosen to manifest their work? and How does their tool differ from yours in how it allows content-authoring and end-user interface?
I appreciate Patrick’s use of different artifacts to present his information. Using a newer software like google sites allows for better user interface functions and better “set it and forget it functions”. The site utilizes ways to configure the user to go through the required pre-reading, in this case a few references that stuck out to Patrick during his exploration of the course content. He outlines a historical and chronological presentation of the facts on how writing has been beneficial to human development. The use of functions such as an accordion feature where headings can expand and show the answers helps in creating the sense of lowering cognitive load.
What literacies do their sites privilege or deny in comparison and contrast to yours?
The sites really cue ways to facilitate the key summaries and quotes of the readings of the modules. In Patrick’s case, he summarizes Gnanadesikan (2011) and Ong (2002) using Magic AI as a tool. The features of the AI with what seems like Patrick’s guidance and prompts allow a seamless way to present information. For my self, the contrast was the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the content which itself is a literacy that I was intrigued with. In contrast to mine, I did not utilize any AI for my content and relied heavily on my own summaries, but his post made me want to try it for the one of the activities going forward.
What theoretical underpinnings are evident in your/your colleague’s textual architecture and how does this affect one’s experience of the work?
In my own textual architecture, I used the history of writing as the basis for my architecture showing a picture of handwriting interwoven with the text to answer questions. I proceeded to go with a more generic style reflecting on blog format to reflect on my own history with my writing where in my own development, a lot of growing up with highschool and college was done typing on a blog space. Patrick’s textual architecture follows a futuristic layer that reflects his reflection of historical works using AI to showcase those histories. The experience I got from Patrick’s work was actually quite enlightening as he lays out his case for writing and its history quite well with his use of google sites and AI.
How do the constraints of the course design manifest in your architectural choices? How have you responded to the pedagogical underpinnings of this course design in your own webspace?
Patrick’s post showed me that AI within circumstances is doable, but I have an ethical issue with AI that I guess lent itself in architectural choices. I’m off the boat around the algorithms in AI still rely on training from large companies that I ethically don’t agree with in the current political environment. This course has been pretty open in utilizing different ways to present in the course and for this section I had decided to dabble into the “generic” option of this course as stated before reminds me of my early use of technology and the webspace which was to blog. I’m starting to appreciate the social cogntive theory of this course and have looked into a platform where I can share my reflections more widely such as a medium page or a substack.