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Task #5 – Twine


Made with Padlet



My reflection of Twine Strategy:

Twine reminds me of a game I used to play in elementary school that I truly loved which was the Oregon Trail. That game was my anchor as I was doing this activity.

Strategy #1: Multiplicity is a gift

In the spirit of hypertext, Bolter (2001) notes that hypertext allows the users to create different pathways that information can move from. Unlike a book where the reader follows a track following the hierarchy of beginning to end, hypertext allows the reader to discover different paths and creates opportunities for the creator to develop those paths (Bolter, 2011). In this Twine, the choices were given to the user whether or not they wanted to discover the story or just go through with the activity. This choice and layer allow the user to experience what they would like in their activity.

Strategy #2: Text and media on a screen

Bush’s (1945) work illustrate the value of having text and media on a screen to signify a way to recall the information when the user tries to remember it. Bush outlines that our brains work best when some kind of “microfilm” (meaning pictures) along with information try to recreate a pathway at which our brains can comprehend. In Twine, the ability to create a tension with coloured backgrounds and specific texts coupled with slightly tweaked images (some using AI) to create a feeling in a short amount of text.


Bolter, J. D. (2001). Writing space: Computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Bush, V. (1945, July). As we may think. The Atlantic Monthly, 176(1), 101-108.

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