More about our map-based learning activity; April 2019

INTRODUCTION: Links below point to Google Maps made with map-markers submitted by students during the Jan-April 2019 term in EOSC114, “Natural Hazards”. Students carry out a peer assessment of these submissions using UBC’s “ComPAIR” paired-decision making peer review system. Finally, short quizzes are made for each map, to encourage students to explore these maps made by their colleagues.

HOW IS THIS DONE? Students choose a hazardous event that has occurred (or might occur) that they or someone they know has experienced, or that they are simply interested in. They do a little research on the event focusing upon either natural processes, consequences to communities, forecasting or mitigation, and enter information using this form ( map1form-locked-2018w2 .) Then they submit their data within UBC’s learning management system (Canvas). The instructing team (usually a TA) downloads submissions, anonymizes them and builds the Google Map using a three-step spreadsheet plus Google Map workflow (takes about 20 minutes).

Currently, this process generates maps such as those linked below. Our next iteration will involve more interactive maps that we anticipate will be searchable, sortable, and generally more “explorable”.

  1. Map used for quiz1 in Winter 2018, based on information submitted by students in the fall term of 2018:
  2. Map 1, Winter 2019: Quiz about this map, taken by students at the start of the Map 2 assignment: Quiz_Map2a_Feb4-17.
  3. Map 2, Winter 2019:
  4. Map 3, Winter 2019:

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