Geological Issue: Volcanism



Video showing Momotombo being active after 110 years back in 2016 in Nicaragua. 

One significant threat to Nicaragua is Volcanism. Analysis of the areas suggest that they might have highest rate of lava effusion in the region.

Nicaragua has a total of 19 Volcanoes, although some are no longer active. There are a  large diversity of volcano types including stratovolcano, cinder cones, pyroclastic shield, shield, crater lake, complex.

Here is the list of Volcanoes in Nicaragua:

Apoyeque, Ciguatepe, Cerro Negro, Concepción, Cosigüina, Estelí, Granada, Lajas, Las Pilas, Maderas, Masaya, Mombacho, Momotombo, Nejapa-Miraflores, Rota, San Cristóbal, Telica, Azul and  Zapatera.

Here is a map showing their locations:

Interestingly we can observe how all are located near Managua looking towards the pacific coast. This sort of structure or organization is again related to the subduction of the Coco’s plate into the Caribbean plate along the Central American Trench.

Active recent volcanic activity include Concepcion with last eruption on 2009, San Cristobal in 2012, Telica on 2015 and Momotombo 2016.

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