Energy Resources

Nicaragua is the country with lowest energy generation and consumption when compared when its neighboring Central American countries like El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica.

The characteristic that distinguishes them in the region is the high dependence on oil for energy generation being of 75% to that of just 43% average for neighbor countries.

The distribution: around 75% comes from fossil fuels and just 25% from renewable sources like hydro, wind or geothermal (although they have high potential for these).

They have tried to improve their sources and efficiency for energy generation way back since the 1990’s by privatizing, however this has had few and slow results.

In 2013 there were investments done to drill for oil exploration in various parts on Nicaragua, however their dependence for foreign oil has not decreased. Venezuela and U.S appear to be the largest suppliers.

Although this in 2015 positive reports started suggesting a significant increase in the countries renewable energy capacity.

In terms of others resources they have a total of 94 metallic and 46 non-metallic deposits that include copper, gold, limestone, silver among others. Interestingly they are the largest producer of gold in the region.



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