Geological Issue: Earthquakes

News report on big magnitude earthquake in Managua,  Nicaragua 1972. 

As already mentioned in this site earthquakes are more common threat to all Managuan and Nicaraguan people. When the dense volcanic  rock collides with the comparatively light rock of the Caribbean plate this causes stress at different epicenters in or nearby Nicaragua. Sometimes they can also be felt in neighboring countries.

Although they occur frequently and most of times at a low level on the Richter scale there are some that do stand out. Years 1956, 1972, 1992 and 2004 had earthquakes in the magnitudes of 7 and above, which had devastating effects for civilians.

As we know there are always other hazards associated with earthquakes such as aftershocks, landslide and tsunamis which have unfortunately also affected specifically in the years mentioned earlier. In 1992 the earthquake and following tsunami took the life of approximately 5000 people and produced over 20000 injuries and 300,000 homeless to Managua and surrounding cities like Leon and Chinandega. To make things worse the government at the time was corrupt and took away large parts of foreign support.

Nowadays the city has sort of gone into making sure most of the population is aware and prepared for sudden earthquakes. They incentive schools and  businesses to do emergency drills.  Buildings and modern houses are engineered to support sudden movements of land. In april 10th of 2014 an earthquake of 6.1 was recorded, out of it there was just one fatality and an estimated 266 injuries.




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