
Coco’s Plate – is a young oceanic tectonic plate beneath the pacific ocean.

Caribbean Plate – oceanic tectonic plate under Central America and the Caribbean sea.

Central America – includes the following countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.

Mass Wasting – slope or mass movement by which soil or sand move down as solid.

Coastal Erosion – loss of coastal lands due to removal of sediments across the shoreline.

Groundwater – water held underground in the soil, pores or crevices in rocks.

Metamorphism – alteration of the composition of a rock.

Seismic Activity – Stress or movement in surface of the earth.

Paleozoic Era – divided into six periods, lasted from 544 to 245 million years ago.

Mesozoic Era – period of time following the Paleozoic era until 66 million years ago.

Three main rock types – Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.

Shield Volcano –  low with gentle slopes volcano formed from layers of lava.

Stratovolcano – Steep slope volcano formed from ashes and lava.


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