Water Resources

Nicaragua has ample water supplies in rivers, groundwater, lagoons, sea and rainfall. In the region it is said that they have been blessed with all water supply given an availability of 35,000 cubic meter per capital per year.


This map is shown to observe how Managua has the closeness with the pacific ocean as well as Lago de Managua and Lago de Nicaragua. The country has access to both North Pacific Ocean and Caribbean sea (the latter is further away from the capital, Managua).

Major water user is the agricultural sector with 84% followed by domestic industrial use which are significantly smaller.


Although its relative richness the country has problems dealing with the quality and reaches of their water supply. With reaches I refer to the ability to supply drinking water to a constantly increasing population

Managua specifically is supplied entirely by groundwater including infiltrates from volcanoes. An example of a very important infiltration is the Asososca Lagoon, which supplies most of the drinking water. It is interesting to see how the formation of Volcanoes and thus this lagoons have resulted being beneficial to Nicaraguans with the access to this safe water supply.

Apoyo Lagoon 30 minutes from capital Managua.

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