Monthly Archives: July 2012

First Year Term 1 Courses.

I’m so excited for the courses that I’m taking next year~ I’ve started reading the calendar more thoroughly and it turns out that I need to take 6 credits of Arts electives? Darn it, I should’ve registered for JAPST 100, but I really like my schedule, and there’s only one seat left in the lecture, so… maybe I’ll take it in second year? But I will definitely take it in the future, I really wanna learn Japanese 🙂

Anyways, I wanted to sum up and describe my first term courses and here and write my initial thoughts on it, just to see how they’ll compare when I actually write about how the courses go when I take them from September to December. I’ll also talk about the professors and what I’ve heard from them (according to ratemyprof) So here we go!

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BC Student Loans

If some are not fully aware, applications for BC Student Loans have been out since the beginning of June (I think?). I just finished my application… I think UBC Okanagan says that applications should be sent in by July 15 in order for the money to come in time to pay for the first installment of tuition payments.

Speaking of tuition payments, I saw my financial summary through my SSC account. WOW. Over $4,000 for first year courses alone. That doesn’t include housing, textbooks, and other fees. I should’ve anticipated this when I was using the UBC Cost Calculator, but I don’t think the reality set in until now. SO MUCH MONEY. But that’s the harsh reality when you go to university, I guess. I also find it to be good motivation – if you’re paying to go to school, might as well work hard so you don’t waste your money… or in this case, the government’s money 😛

Anyways, back to Student Loans…

At first, the application looked extremely difficult due to the tons of financial information I had to fill out, but it turns out that many of it didn’t apply to me, so I basically spent half an hour filling everything out with $0.00 😀 There was one part where it asked me how much I had in my bank acount, so that was a bit embarrasing since I have less than $40 in it… but not too bad of a process overall.

Now all I need to do is get my parents to fill out the Parent Appendix form in order to fully complete the application… that could take a while :S

To anyone who needs to apply for Student Loans and haven’t yet, here’s the link!

Winter Session 2012-2013 Timetable

Registration was a relatively… painless process? Not what I had anticipated, I expected to find all my desired sections full and me having a panic attack at 8 in the morning. But that wasn’t the case at all! I actually got most of the lectures I wanted at the times I wanted! Considering my registration was the last day for first-years, I was pleasantly surprised. It also helped that I woke up 2 hours before my registration time, made 5 different worklists, and monitored the SSC constantly ;D

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