Daily Archives: August 31, 2012

UBCcard and UBCO Campus Tour

My brand new UBCcard!

I have finally arrived! I don’t move in residence until September 2nd, but I thought it would be nice to see the UBC Okanagan campus before I move in since I’ve never been there before, so I went on a campus tour! To all those who are planning to book a UBC Campus tour – book them early! Spots fill up like crazy – I booked my campus tour for today (August 22nd) in June, and it was full when I checked a few weeks later. Just letting people know 😛

Anyways, the UBCO campus really is an amazing place! Pictures really don’t do the place justice, cause seeing it in real life along with the beautiful Kelowna sunshine (and California-like heat) is really something else! The campus is extremely small as compared to the UBC Vancouver campus (well no duh LOL) but it’s not as small as I thought it would be. The buildings and lecture halls are exceptionally nice, and one of the lecture halls our tour group went into is actually the lecture hall for my CHEM 121, MATH 100, and PHYS 112 classes, so it was good to see where 3/4 of my classes will take place 🙂 I really was impressed, and now I’m really excited to start my first year experience! My mom and I took pictures around campus (Like the Asian tourists we are) since the new buildings looked so amazing. Although I’m not in Engineering/Management/Education, I can see myself going into the EME building a lot to study just cause the building is so quiet. And pretty 🙂

After the campus tour, there was still enough time for me to get my student ID and UPass, and so I did! The building to get your student ID (called the UBCcard) is located at the UNC building, just go up the first set of stairs you see and turn right. There’s a large counter there where you can not only get your UBCcard, but you can also get your tuition paid there as well! For those with BC Provincial Exam Scholarships, you can also get the voucher signed there 🙂

Well, that’s done and over with hahaha! I’m really excited for first year to start! 😀