Daily Archives: September 8, 2012

Freshman Year – Week 1

My first post on my first year in the BSc program at UBC’s Okanagan campus! This is a historic moment~ As you can see, I’m gonna post every week (on Fridays or Saturdays) on this blog on what I’ve done since my previous post. This post might have a large amount of photos LOL Let me start off an what is the best thing ever in my room.

The amazing view from my window!

( Before I get started, I have to say that if you’re from Vancouver or a big city and you’re expecting Kelowna to be exactly the same – don’t even bother. The difference is great: there’s no skyscrapers anywhere and just mountains and hills as far as the eye can see, everything is laid-back since there’s no rush, and there’s only one or two shopping malls around here. Most shops are like outlets that you’ll find in the US, like big box stores such as Superstore and Wal-Mart. The summer weather is really hot, I would compare it to California sunshine just cause it’s THAT hot. I’m not saying Kelowna is a bad place at all (in fact I love it here) I’m just letting people know that the lifestyle here is extremely different than a bustling city like Vancouver. )

I moved into residence about a week ago (September 2nd), and it is awesome here! The move-in process was relatively quick, and I was able to settle in my room in a few hours. The room is a lot bigger than I thought! Here are some pictures of my room at Valhalla:

What my room looks like from the door

My small closet

My desk/workstation – I’m always excited to do my homework now!

I’ve never had my own room, so it’s been a really exciting experience to have my own space and be able to do what I want when I want, as rebellious as that sounds.

My bed with my K-Pop posters!

I was also able to solve my problem with the textbooks, and I picked them up at the campus bookstore. All the books came in one huge box, which was a pain to carry back up to my room since I have to go up a crazy amount of stairs.

The week has been full of crazy events, especially since the UBC Okanagan Camus held its first Create week, which is basically a frosh week full of events for UBCO students! I went to a lot of events, but the one that stood out for me was the white t-shirt party, that was a crazyy event πŸ™‚

Me and some friends at the White T-shirt party before it was full of random scribbles and signatures πŸ™‚

I finally understand why UBCO is different than UBC Vancouver, other than the fact that the sizes are noticably different. This could probably apply with Vancouver and Kelowna as well. The place really does feel like one big community, everyone here knows each other. I’ll walk around campus and a lot of people I see as I walk to class would say hi to me and I’d say hi back and have a small conversation sometimes.

While grocery shopping, I also went on what is probably the only best thing about Kelowna’s transit system – a double decker bus! The transit here is embarrassing compared to Vancouver since the buses here are 20-30 minutes apart compared to every 5 minutes in Vancouver :s

A double decker bus in Kelowna heading to UBCO

Other than that, things have been basically been full of school. I’ve definitely noticed that university is a heck of a lot different from highschool, and homework has been piling up really quickly, and we’re just doing review in our courses!

Lectures have been particularly interesting, and professors have really different teaching styles as compared to highschool teachers. One thing that university really presses into your head is that YOU HAVE TO TAKE INITIATIVE, BE INDEPENDENT. There’s a lot of things that you have to do on your own, or you have to learn the material on your own, especially if the professor’s teaching style doesn’t mesh well with you. And it becomes that much harder since the teachers are just being fired at you like bullets from a machine gun, and if you get behind, it’ll be a really difficult process to catch up.

It turns out that the CHEM 121 profs have been totally switched up, so my CHEM 121 section has the best prof, and I really enjoy the class. There’s no professor that I’ve had any difficulty with so far. I didn’t like my MATH 100 and PHYS 112 prof at first, but I’m slowly starting to get used to their teaching styles so it’s going well.

To end off my week, I finished my BIOL 116 pre-assessment quiz and ended up with a 92%, did the textbook questions for the first chapter of my CHEM 121 textbook, and finished 90% of my Math online assignment. All while going to Create Week events/parties and having an actual social life.Β Not bad for the first week of university.

(Music is one of the primary things I use to remember things, and so every week, I will include one or two songs I’ve listened to that remind me of the things I’ve done this week. Who knows, you light like the songs yourself :D)

T-ARA – γ‚³γ‚Έγƒ³γƒžγƒ«ο½žε˜˜ο½ž

Jason Chen – Solo (Game for Two)