Daily Archives: September 22, 2012

Freshman Year – Week 3

I can’t believe that it’s been a month since I stepped foot into university! I’m still alive and kicking, and surprisingly not drowning in homework and have been keeping up with all the homework and readings. Except the Math homework, but one can’t help but procrastinate about it when the deadlines keep being extended.

This week, things have been finally been going back into school mode with midterms for BIOL 116 and CHEM 121 next week. I had a ton of epic fails this week. First, I studied for a quiz that turned out to be a take-home quiz, and only to learn that the actual in-class quiz will be on Monday. Secondly, probably the biggest fail – I missed the first Pre-Med Club meeting after being too absorbed into writing my Chem lab. I was very mad at myself. Thirdly, I volunteered to present how to do one of the homework questions in my Math lab, and I got it wrong. I did the method right, but I used the wrong numbers. I don’t think I got full marks. Oops.

But despite those two fails, this week has been very productive, especially with the labs! The Physics lab was mentally draining – we were doing an experiment and the profs hadn’t gone over the required concepts to properly do it, so the lab took way longer than everyone thought and everyone had to keep asking the TA questions. I felt bad for the TA since he had to keep running around and answering our questions, but what could we do?

I had my actual first Biology experiment in my BIOL 116 lab as well! It was so much fun, my group was testing whether mealworms would react better to brightness or darkness (“Come to the dark side, we have cookies”), and they obviously reacted better to darkness. All in all, it was basically watching mealworms move around a petri dish for 3 hours, but it wasn’t too bad. The mealworms kept trying to escape the dish, and that kept things interesting.

Me and the yummy mealworms


Our experiment – the white paper represented brightness while the black garbage bag represented darkness.

Our PHYS 112 class have weekly iClicker quizzes, and it’s been pretty easy so far, just all Physics 11 review. Except for the pre-tutorial assignments. Sometimes, I swear I’ve never seen such confusing equations before. But knowing me, I just probably forgot what they mean and what they do. Pretty typical πŸ˜›

Ready for this iClicker quiz! Us and our “Cleeeckers”

I got to explore more of the surrounding area when I went on an afternoon jog around the surrounding places outside campus. I don’t know if I was tresspassing or not (there were a lot of private property signs), but I didn’t do much but jog. I saw a LOT of horses, and a lot of crop fields. That’s Kelowna for you. But I saw a small lake (or is it a pond or a bog? Not really sure) and the view was amazing, especially with the sunset.

Beautiful view.

I should be eating lunch now, but all I wanna do is stay in my room and study for my upcoming midterms. When I write the next post, I’ll have probably done them already, so wish me luck!

Other interesting things that happened this week:
1. I finally got my first 100% BIOL 116 quiz. Probably not worth much, but doing my readings are actually paying off. Boo-yah.
2. My Extra-small lab coat is way too small for me, so I exchanged it with a friend who had a small size.
3. I bought my Chemistry lab notebook at the UBC Bookstore. I have to stop buying things there, too overpriced.
4. The cafeteria was serving Roast Beef with Mashed Potatoes and Vegetables. Unfortunately, I didn’t buy it.
5. My friend made Chicken Bacon and I tried some. Not bad, but nothing beats actual Bacon.
6. I miss eating rice. I’m Asian, I’m not used to eating things like fries with chicken strips and pizza or even pasta every night! Rice ftw.

XIA – Uncommitted

Kana Nishino – kiss & hug

G.Na – 이제 그만 ν™” ν’€μ–΄μš” (with μ€€λ²”, ν˜„κ·œ, ν˜„μ„)

BoA – Only One