Daily Archives: September 30, 2012

Freshman Year – Week 4

I think this post is a day late. I could’ve posted yesterday morning (like I usually do) but after all the work I did this week, I decided to be lazy and give myself a little break 😛

This week, I think I truly realized how quickly the social life of a student in Sciences can diminish. I had TWO midterms this week. That’s right, two. Having to study for those plus trying to catch up to Math and Physics has been a bit stressful, and cause everything is so time-consuming, I haven’t had time to do any social activities. It was either study for the midterm with other people, or study in my room by myself. Social isolation FTW!

Speaking of midterms, I think I underestimated Bio, while I overestimated on Chem. What I mean by that is the Bio midterm wasn’t bad (until I got my mark lol) and even if I studied the textbook and learning outcomes religiously for about a week and a half, I still feel like I wasn’t sure of what I was doing what I was reading, especially when I was looking through the midterm questions. So I’m gonna have to switch up my learning strategies for the next Bio midterms. Meanwhile, Chem was easier than I h originally thought. In terms of studying, my friend and I looked over the past midterms from up to 2005 and discussed how to do each question. Then the night before and the morning of the midterm, I did all the midterms after knowing how to do all the questions. So when I went in the midterm, a lot of the steps and procedures on how to do questions were still fresh in my mind, and so I found it pretty easy. Despite that, I’m sure I screwed up on naming and finding the element with only the number of electrons and protons. The answer key has been posted, but no thanks 😛

So that was my first two midterms – Bio was harder than I thought, Chem was easier than I thought. Look forward to my comments about the MATH 100 midterm on Friday! With my limited math and calculus knowledge, it’s bound to be a funny experience!

Speaking about social isolation, I didn’t really do much of that in the weekends. Last weekend, I went with my friends down at the big field (I still don’t know what it was called) at around midnight and just looked at the stars. It was pretty fun, but some cops came over cause we were bring a bit too loud and they thought we were drunk. Another thing I found different in university as compared to high school – If I ever laughed hysterically, people in highschool would just think someone said something really funny or I was just going crazy. In university, people will think you’re drunk. Understandable, yet pretty funny. Just wanted to point that fact out.


Then yesterday was the Toga Party, I have to admit that the event was kinda lame cause there wasn’t very many people as compared to the blacklight party two weeks ago, but the night was still memorable in a different way.

Yeah, I’m definitely not gonna forget 😛

It’s hard to be seen, but there was a big mess lol

I also Skyped with my family a few times this week. It was so weird, seeing that only my two younger brothers were the only ones left at home while my older sister and I are at university. Time passes by so fast…. Anyways, my brother has the same phone as my sister and I, so I decided that it was  a momentworthy of a photo.

Same phone!

Physics class is kinda boring. Sometimes it’s easy cause I’ve learned some of the concepts Physics 11, sometimes I just don’t understand what’s going on. All of yesterday was basically focused on catching up on Physics by doing all the online pre-tutorials and online assignments. It’s been somewhat difficult, but I need to start learning cause I have a midterm coming up soon.

Physics class is fun~

I also discovered some pretty good places to study, but for now I will only mention my favorite (so far) – the concrete steps at the Fipke building. It gets kinda noisy cause there’s a lot of human traffic once lectures are over, but when things are quiet, one can get a lot of stuff done. I was studying there when my sister went on Skype, so I decided to show her around the building. I was gonna keep it on while I walked to my Physics lab to show my sister the rest of campus, but then the wi-fi died on me. Curse you ubccsecure and your horrible connections!

Fipke Fun

I also had my first actual Chemistry lab this week! We didn’t do much, just read burettes and pipettes and did some measurements, no biggie. I’m excited for when we actually do some legit experiments with some legit toxic chemicals. It’ll be soo much fun! I didn’t get to fully enjoy it though – the lab was right after my Bio midterm, and I didn’t get a lot of sleep, so there was a lot of times in that lab where I almost drifted off to dreamland… oops.

Look at all I have to do for just one lab #braindead

Next week will be pretty interesting, after this week, I’ll have a week break from midterms… yay! Good luck to everyone else studying for their midterms! And for those in Grade 12, keep those academic averages up! First term doesn’t count for much (unless you’re doing early admission) but second term is really where it’s at!

Wanna Do (by Jiyoung) – KARA

[MV] Jiyoung (KARA) – Wanna Do JP Ver. by mrhoneyhammie

Guilty (by Seungyeon) – KARA

[MV] Seungyeon (KARA) – Guilty JP Ver. by mrhoneyhammie

Catch Me – DBSK

Song 4 u – Ayumi Hamasaki