Freshman Year – Week 5

It has now reached my 5th week of Freshman Year, and I’m not on campus! Instead, I am here in my bedroom, enjoying the comforts of my home while enjoying the Thanksgiving holiday with my family. Before I get into how and why I’m here, I should start with what happened in Kelowna before I left.

To be totally honest, not many eventful things happened other than preparing for the torture that was my MATH 100 midterm and packing for my trip back home for the weekend. I thought i failed, but I actually just barely passed, so not bad πŸ˜€

The more interesting part about my weekend would probably be going to Vancouver for the long Thanksgiving weekend to see my family and friends – I’ve really missed Vancouver and everyone there! I could describe my whole trip in words, but I’ll just write under the captions of my pictures! That and I’m feeling too lazy to type πŸ˜›

SFU + UBC sandwich. Sister not knowing I was coming home = great surprise!

UBC INVASION AT SFU! One of the many things I’ve always wanted to do ever since stepping foot on the SFU campus.

Typical picture in front of the mosaics that many SFU students do – it’s actually such a pretty background!

Suprising my friends while “shopping” in Metrotown!

One thing that I will say is that even though I didn’t see my friends for a while, it’s nice that when I was talking to them, it felt like I never left! Sure, we had a month’s worth of stories to catch up on, but it was a good feeling to know that we haven’t drifted apart. Then again, it’s only been one month since I left and I think it helped that we communicate each other through Skype – some I talk to every night, some once in a while. Every moment counts, and as long as both sides of the friendship are making the effort, it’s bound to last! πŸ™‚

I did visit SFU quite a few times during my stay, I went there for 3 of the 4 days I was in Vancouver LOL It’s not a bad school at all, in fact I’m one of the few people who can publicly admit that I love the campus and its whole concrete-feel. In my opinion, it’s not jail-like at all! I went to my friend’s linguistics class for LOLZ and I just ended up watching asian dramas for a good hour.

An actual SFU student and a not-so-actual SFU “student” in LING 100

Unfortunately, cause my arrival to Vancouver was secret and already planned out before I left (I spent most of the weekend with my family at home), I didn’t get to see all of my friends, but once December comes, I’ll be sure to see everyone I can!

I realize this post is SUPER LATE, but I’ve been so busy during the weekend and when I came back to school I’ve hardly had time to write!

Hug – DBSK (Oh the DBSK5 days…)

인생은 빛났닀(Viva) – DBSK

Rainy Night – Junsu

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together – Taylor Swift

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