Freshman Year – Week 6

6 weeks into university, and things have been pretty busy. I think this weekend had been the first weekend that I haven’t had any midterms to study for since the end of September… I finally get a bit of a break for myself!

I actually have pictures for this week, but somehow, WordPress won’t et me upload them. And there’s a whole bunch of copyright thingies which is confusing me :s

As usual, the week went by pretty quickly… had my first Physics midterm and second Bio midterm. It wasn’t bad, but as usual, I just aim to pass 🙂

Last Friday, I went to a bowling event that was organized by the Chemistry Course Union. I learned quite a few things in this experience. Firstly, I cannot play bowling with the large bowling balls. Secondly, Kelowna seems to have pretty nice bowling allyes (But then again, it’s not like I’ve been to many). Thirdly, if you and a few other people are the only first years, and the rest of the attendees are a bunch of older students, it gets pretty awkward. I mean it wasn’t bad, they tried to include us, but it was just… awkward. But either way, it was fun!

As much as I was so happy that I went back home for Thanksgiving, I think it threw me off my routine. When I came back, I had to catch up to my courses, but I’ve noticed that I’ve been going to classes later than usual and  my sleep cycle has been kinda messed up. Like on Thursday night, I went through a Biology midterm, a Chem lab right after, then a Math lab while only running on two hours of sleep. Another thing I learned this week – as much fun doing an all-nighter is, DO NOT DO IT. I would be able to get away with it in high school, but it’s a big no-no here. Always get a good amount of sleep!

And as usual, there was the Physics clicker quiz. Our teacher was so funny! She had “a dream” where the whole class (100%) would answer the question with the same letter, and it would be right. I’m sorry, but I think the only time that will happen is if the class decides to troll her and just presses E on a question that only had A, B, and C 😛

I wish I had more to write about, but my week really has been just full of studying and taking midterms. It wasn’t like the first few weeks where something’s always happening (though I kinda wish it were) and so things are slowing down a bit. The midterms are still flying by like crazy, and before I know it, it’ll be November and  I’ll have to start studying for finals!

And there would actually pictures, but… *sigh*

So that was my somewhat-eventful week. Maybe next week will be better since I only have a Biology lab exam. Lab exam? Like what in the world is that?

Oh, the new Taylor Swift album comes out really soon! I’m so excited for that! Will be buying the deluxe editions of Speak Now and the new album (hopefully)!

No Gain – XIA


Enchanted – Taylor Swift

If This Was A Movie – Taylor Swift


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