Daily Archives: January 27, 2013

Freshman Year – Week (?)

As one might have noticed, I haven’t been really keeping up with the blog. Sadly, I’ve become way too busy to post blog posts weekly, so it’s best if I just post whenever I have something to write about. I’ll definitely try hard to post, although not weekly, on a somewhat regular basis… don’t hold me to that though 😛

I’ll still be doing an update on the courses I took once first year end, just in case any potential first year UBCO Science student finds this blog – I know they’ll really need it!

But I’ll do a quick update now while I’m at it – jumping from a small 4-course load this year, I have decided to take a whopping 6 courses this term! I know, it’s suicide but I might as well try it right? And what better time to do it now? I don’t think I could be able to handle taking 6 courses if I lived away from campus so since I only live a walk away, it’ll be at least a tiny bit less stressful than it usually is 🙂

I PASSED ALL MY FIRST TERM COURSES!! A big pat on the back for myself that’s for sure 🙂 I got a B in MATH 100 – a shocker cause I’m bad at math, and this is CALCULUS for crying out loud! I barely passed Calculus 12! Anyways, my average wasn’t as high as I had hoped (no thanks to BIOL 116), which made me think that if I had taken another course like an english or arts course it would at least be a little bit higher… sigh. Hopefully taking 6 courses will bring my verage to be good enough for either Nursing school (only a mere 1-2% away from competitive GPA!!) or the Land and Food Systems Faculty at UBC Vancouver, I’m determined to work harder this semester!

CHEM 123 is OK but my prof is kinda weird so I actually don’t know if I’m learning anything right now to be honest… plus with that final exam being worth 60% of the final lecture mark, I don’t know if he’s setting us up for success or total and utter failure. PHYS 122 is good, I’m actually learning something from my prof, but I miss my previous prof. I mean, I actually know what I’m doing on the assignments and Pre-Tutorials, but I get bored. My first term prof was actually fun and coming to Physics was actually fun! MATH 101 is… meh. If you took Calculus 12 in highschool, and at least tried to learn the concepts you’re all set. Well not really, but it definitely helps. My prof is wayyy better than my first term prof, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. With bad profs, I have to study harder but with good teachers I feel so laid-back, which probably isn’t a good thing. BIOL 125 is great – I love everything we’re learning so far, especially with all the animal physiology, I’m so excited to learn about human physiology if I’m able to take the course at the Vancouver campus in the summer! Except MasteringBiology – it’s a great tool for learning things I’ll give it that, but they give me a huge headache. Taking two English courses simultaneously is kinda weird – ENGL 112 and ENGL 153, but I can deal 🙂  Except the due date for the research papers for each course at the end of the term are a day away from each other.

And now it’s 2AM (LOL 2AM for all those K-Pop fans out there) and I’m still not sleepy.