Winter Session 2012-2013 Timetable

Registration was a relatively… painless process? Not what I had anticipated, I expected to find all my desired sections full and me having a panic attack at 8 in the morning. But that wasn’t the case at all! I actually got most of the lectures I wanted at the times I wanted! Considering my registration was the last day for first-years, I was pleasantly surprised. It also helped that I woke up 2 hours before my registration time, made 5 different worklists, and monitored the SSC constantly ;D

Term 1 Timetable:

So ENGL 112 was full, so I have to take it in the summer along with BIOL 153 (in UBC Vancouver, hopefully…). Unless a waitlist for ENGL 112 shows up, which I haven’t seen yet, and I check the SSC everyday 🙁 Also, notice that all my lectures and labs take place in either the Fipke or Arts and Sciences Building, expect my MATH 100 tutorial. They’re relatively new buildings, so I’m excited! And Fipke has a Starbucks!

Term 2 Timetable:

The locations are more scattered compared to Term 1, but I guess that’s good excerise? I addded an English course this term too! The section has restricted seats for Nursing students, so I’m excited to meet them! But I wish that I had less classes on Fridays, but since I live in residence, it’ll be fine I guess 🙂 Oh, and that MATH 101 lecture? I got the last seat 😀

So the timetables weren’t what I expected. They’re not anywhere near my perfect schedule, but they were a pleasant surprise. It’s 27 credits in total, so it’s 4 courses in Term 1, but 5 in Term 2. People have been telling me that taking 4 then 5 courses is a good transition, I just hope those people were right.




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