About Me

My name is Earl Escarcha, and I am attending UBC’s Okanagan campus for Sciences during the Winter Session for 2012-2013! I’m really excited to pursue the Sciences in University and major in Biochemistry. But I ultimately plan to pursue a career in health care in the future, preferably Nursing! Going to Nursing School is one of my short-term goals for the future!

In high school, I wasn’t exactly the smartest student (lol), but I was involved as much as I could. Secretary for Student Council, one of the Editors in Yearbook Club, member of the Ambassadors Club, and volunteered weekly in a senior care centre. I love to volunteer, but I know university is difficult in terms of academics, so I’ll be focusing more on my studies!

There were many reasons as to why I picked UBC Okanagan. But the primary reason for me is that going there would bring an independent lifestyle in a brand new place, but still be close to home at the same time! I live in North Vancouver, so going to Kelowna (which is only a 5-hour drive or a 1-hour flight from Vancouver) is pretty convenient!

Like many other students, there are probably many people out there who were in the same situation as me going into the campus: Never been to Kelowna before, seeing the campus for the first time on the day you move into residence. I have to admit, it’s exciting since it brings a feeling of adventure, but somewhat scary at the same time since you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.

One thing I noticed about UBC Okanagan while I was doing some research for this school was: THERE ARE ALMOST NO RESOURCES FOR STUDENT LIFE. Well, I guess there were some, but many were accounts from the Vancouver campus, which were only somewhat helpful. And from the months of research I did before accepting my offer, I couldn’t find many first-hand experiences or blogs from UBC Okanagan students, and so I decided to take the initiative to create one myself! This means that to all you prospective students: feel free to contact me about UBC Okanagan and what the campus offers. I’m sure there are so many resources out there, but I’ll try my best to provide a first-hand experience for people who are curious about UBC Okanagan, preferably the Science program and prospective Science students! From academic, extra-curriculars, and student life, I’ll do my best to show them all!

Be excited! I know I am!



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