Room Assignments and Meal Plans!

I finally got my room assignment today! After learning what room I’ll be living in, feelings of actually going to university are starting to kick in!

I’ll be living on the Valhalla Residence! I won’t be saying my room number –  no stalkers allowed!

My residence building for first year - Valhalla!

But I’m still a bit iffy about the whole sharing a bathroom with someone else idea… but maybe it’s better than sharing a bathroom with the whole floor? I have yet to contact the person I will be sharing a bathroom with for the next year, but I hope things will turn out well!

Then there’s the Meal Plan due on August 15. More expenses, great :'( I got the Bronze Plan, so my first payment was around $620, and the second payment is around $2200 (due on October). Now I just have to find a way to live with that much money from September to April. This is where my budgeting skills come into play! 🙂

There’s also a Silver and Gold Plan, but I got the Bronze since it was the cheapest option, plus I can just add more money on my plan just in case I run out of money  after spending all my money on Starbucks and Tim Hortons 😛

Bookists also came out today, August 13th. But since the UBCO Online Bookstore is being a pain and not showing me my booklist, I might have to wait until tomorrow. I think I can wait though – the insanely high textbook prices will probably drive me nuts. Maybe I’ll do the book rental program?

Around 3 more weeks until I go to Kelowna (AKA K-Town) !!! It’s gonna be such an adventure, but I’m gonna enjoy Vancouver with the little time I have left :'(


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