Category Archives: First Year

First Year Term 1 Courses.

I’m so excited for the courses that I’m taking next year~ I’ve started reading the calendar more thoroughly and it turns out that I need to take 6 credits of Arts electives? Darn it, I should’ve registered for JAPST 100, but I really like my schedule, and there’s only one seat left in the lecture, so… maybe I’ll take it in second year? But I will definitely take it in the future, I really wanna learn Japanese 🙂

Anyways, I wanted to sum up and describe my first term courses and here and write my initial thoughts on it, just to see how they’ll compare when I actually write about how the courses go when I take them from September to December. I’ll also talk about the professors and what I’ve heard from them (according to ratemyprof) So here we go!

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Winter Session 2012-2013 Timetable

Registration was a relatively… painless process? Not what I had anticipated, I expected to find all my desired sections full and me having a panic attack at 8 in the morning. But that wasn’t the case at all! I actually got most of the lectures I wanted at the times I wanted! Considering my registration was the last day for first-years, I was pleasantly surprised. It also helped that I woke up 2 hours before my registration time, made 5 different worklists, and monitored the SSC constantly ;D

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