7. Reflections and Assignments

You will be uploading evidence and assignments to your e-Portfolio. All assignments, guides and worksheets can be found on the Web CT Vista Course. Below are options available for moving these assignments online.

  1. Use the worksheets as guides and recreate their headings as posts. This option is a simple way to move these worksheets and assignments online.
    1. Use the format menu in WordPress to add appropriate heading levels
  2. Download worksheets as PDFs fill them out, scan them,  save them as PDFs and upload them into a post. This approach involves the most steps, however it will allow you to develop the documents on paper and then add them to your ePortfolio
    1. Write short description just above the uploaded worksheet to ensure that the reviewers can clearly identify the worksheet or artifact
  3. Download the worksheets/guides from the Vista site as RTF files. Complete these worksheets online and upload them to posts.
    1. Write short description just above the uploaded worksheet to ensure that the reviewers can clearly identify the worksheet or artifact
  4. Download the RTF of the file fill it out and copy and paste the worksheet/assignment into a page or post. This approach can preserve the original formatting and allow it to be embedded in a post.
    1. You may run into formatting challenges worksheets with extensive formatting.
*Depending on the document that you are uploading you may wish to use different approaches to add them to your e-Portfolio.