Task 1 – Assessment Form

To download this file in pdf format, please click here Vignette Analysis & Assmt Form (final,web)


Assessment Vignette

1. Write your name and that of the person you are giving feedback below.

From: To:


2. Read your peer’s vignette and briefly answer the questions below.

What is the primary purpose of the assessment described in your peer’s vignette?




 What quality issues are embedded or implied in the experience your peer described?






3. Read your peer’s analysis and similarities or differences in your answers.  The purpose of this discussion is to illuminate and share an experience as a basis for further learning about classroom assessment. Discussion can help clarify the experience and contribute to your broader understanding of classroom assessment.

                 Do you have any questions about the experience or the analysis?





4. Identify a strong point in the analysis (star) and an area that could be improved (wish). Use the evaluative criteria for the task:

Accuracy – specific and defensible information about the assessment purpose and quality issues

Depth – genuine reflection beyond a superficial statement

Rigour – use of supporting information

Please remember that you are discussing a personal experience, and use a respectful tone in giving your peer feedback.








©Robin D. Tierney, OCT, PhD.
Not to be copied, used, or revised without explicit written permission from the copyright owner.








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