Sheela’s CMap Draft 1


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2 Responses to Sheela’s CMap Draft 1

  1. joti chahal says:

    Hi Sheela!

    You have done a great job on your concept map! I like the use of colours to represent the different layers for each human development theory. It is a great tool for organizing your concept map, helps keep your focus clear and it is visually appealing! One of your first layers is the yellow layer, which outlines the theorists and their principles. This was very insightful as I also have theorists in mine, but I like how you used them as a starting point instead. Your connections are very organized and you don’t have too many messy lines crossing each other – that’s an amazing feat!

    My one suggestion would be that although your concept map is very concise, adding more detail to some of the terms might help, as we may not remember what they mean in a month, or even next term!

    Overall, excellent work!! 🙂

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