Kaitlin C Map Draft #1


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2 Responses to Kaitlin C Map Draft #1

  1. davinderjit sandhu says:

    Kaitlin, I love the way you have organized your CMap on Human Development Theory. I also like how you have placed the theorists in the centre and linked them to the developmental theories.

    It may help the reader to follow the CMap better if you spread it over a larger space as it is currently a little huddled together. The section at the bottom of your CMap has the boxes with ‘assimilation’, ‘accommodation’, and equilibration. These can be moved to the left so that the connection you have made with Piaget is clearer.

    Also, add the title Human Development Theory as the main box and link what you have to it.

  2. davinderjit sandhu says:

    Good job Kaitlin!

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