Cherie’s CMap Draft #1


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2 Responses to Cherie’s CMap Draft #1

  1. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hi Cherie!
    Nice work on your C Map! I really like that you have ideas colour-coded. Some of the ideas could be explained with a connected bubble underneath (e.g. declarative and procedural knowledge: what do these mean?) As well, I am not sure if it is just the graphic or maybe when it was uploaded but the “M” is missing on the word Behaviourism and on Cognitivism. Piaget is off to the left hand side a bit, maybe try to re-organize the lines so that those connections can be closer and aren’t crossing lines. I like that you did different colour lines as well. Finally you could add a title to the top when it is finished. It looks great! 🙂

  2. cherie nagra says:

    I think something is weird with the PDF version as I noticed that those words ending in m didn’t have the m showing. I will try to reorganize and add a title. Thanks for the feedback Kaitlin.

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