Oli’s CMap Draft #1


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2 Responses to Oli’s CMap Draft #1

  1. robyn evans says:


    Your CMap is well done. I like the colour coding – which allows for the different branches (big ideas) to be separated out. However, the colours also make it difficult to discern the different sections within. I see you have the big headings in CAPS, and perhaps it’s because it’s smaller than the workable version, but it is still difficult to follow the different branches within (I think because there are so many, and because of them all being the same colour). Are all of the “in between” branches and bubbles necessary (ie. learning, learner, instructional design, etc.) Is there a way to link key concepts to the theorists? Finally, to make your CMap more robust, can you add links or other (more detailed) information to refer to, rather than just keywords?

    Overall, it is well done. The content is definitely there – and I know CMaps represent how we think (and we all think differently).


    • olivier salvas says:

      Hey Robyn,
      Thanks for your feedback.
      I have the intention of turning this into a drawing of a butterfly as I wanted to have an artistic twist on it. I feel it will make more sense once done, but as I do not have all the elements on it yet, I can see how it may look funny.

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