Renuka’s CMap Draft #1


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1 Response to Renuka’s CMap Draft #1

  1. olivier salvas says:

    Hey Renuka,

    Great job!
    I like the legend you have used to organized your map! It is original to code it according to themes (classroom practice, theorists, criticism, etc.) and not according to theories. It makes total sense to me.
    My feedback would be that maybe you could find away to tie your ideas somehow to the theories. Like, perhaps, turn this into a “big pie” and cut it into slices. I don’t know if it makes sense. I’m just worried that a reader may be confused as the circle gets bigger. E.g. Your criticisms for the behaviourist theory get pretty close to your criticisms of the cognitivist theory so without clear boundaries and background knowledge on this topic, the reader may wonder where it fits.
    But overall, I think it’s a great idea. Great job! 🙂 I love the choices in the content you have made. It’s simple and it’s clear.

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