Amy’s CMap #2

Amy’s CMap #2

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3 Responses to Amy’s CMap #2

  1. carrie bourne says:

    Hi Amy,
    Thank you for sharing your CMap. I like how you highlighted the theorists using pink. It makes it clear what each individual theorist believed. I like that you have created links between different theories but I’m wondering if you can explain the reason for the links or connections. I’m not sure if your program will allow for it or not but it would help to understand your personal reasons or choices for the links.
    Conditional and procedural knowledge seem to be overlapping in the view I had, just a sticky point here.
    I’m wondering if there is any way to highlight the most common links between theories including the environment, experience, social interaction etc. Perhaps these would come out if you explained the reasons for your connections.
    Just some thoughts to consider.

  2. joti chahal says:

    Hey Amelia,

    Your CMap is very detailed and easy to follow along. If I could describe it using one word it would be – NEON! 🙂 The colours make it easy to distinguish different subtopics within the theories, the pink for theorists especially stands out.
    I would suggest breaking up some of the bubbles. For example: Bioecological Model of Child Development could be split up into subtopics of: Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem and perhaps provide an example of each. Also, all of the details in self-regulated learning in the classroom can also be split up into separate bubbles. Making more connections to the BC curriculum may also help strengthen your CMap. Just some suggestions, but overall, excellent work!

  3. todd millway says:

    Hi Amy,

    What a neat and tidy layout. It is also very zoom friendly and easy to read. Important for these old eyes. Making the important theorists standout in pink is a great idea. Your choice of CMAP creation app seems to work well.
    Is it just me who included Watson in behaviourism? I can’t get the white rabbit story out of my head so it just sticks with me.
    I haven’t got really got anything on social contexts in my CMAP yet but I had a look at Carrie’s and she has tons. Might want to have a look if you feel the need to expand in that area. It looks a bit light compared to some. I did like the reference to the bioecological model, I totally missed that one. Oh ya, good old Bronfenbrenner, got to get on that one.
    Might want to include some more detail on motivation. As Shawna mentioned, it is an important aspect to all of the theories. I know we haven’t covered that one in detail yet, but I thought it should be included, lots of information on it as well.

    Anyway, back to work


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