Cherie Nagra CMAPv2


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5 Responses to Cherie Nagra CMAPv2

  1. amelia walker says:

    I’m commenting on Cherie’s….

  2. amelia walker says:

    Hey Cherie,
    I really like the way you’ve laid out your mind map! I’m so grateful you introduced me to bubblus!
    You have so much detail in your map, it’s clear that you’ve put a lot of work into it. I like how you spread yours out so that it’s easier to see the connections between your bubbles. That may be something I need to change in my concept map.
    There’s a spelling error in the ‘tasks’ box, also I think it’s archetypes and not architypes. I got confused by your second Social Emotional Learning box titled SEL. The definition you have is the same definition in the “Social Emotional learning’ box. Maybe you could combine these two parts of your map? Just a suggestions.

    Cheers 🙂

  3. renuka senaratne says:

    Hi Cherie,
    It looks like you have created a detailed second C-Map with lots of useful information, but unfortunately I cannot read it properly. I tried to look at both formats and to zoom in on the information, but the text gets blacked out or is not readable. Is there a recommended way to view the cmap? I would like to learn more about the linkages you have made between theories. You have done a great job of finding the connections. Also is there a key for the colour coding?

    I look forward to seeing the final version of your CMap.

  4. jennifer mathis says:

    I am commenting on this C-Map

  5. jennifer mathis says:


    I really like your C-map. I like how your information is detailed and each concept is clearly explained and put into context.

    Some suggestions:
    – You could add more specific classroom examples to some of the sections, in order to make classroom applications more clear
    – The bubble “passive transfer of facts and routines” appears to be connected to constructivism. This doesn’t seem to fit. Perhaps a change or more explanation, such as “not just —“. Could clarify
    – In some places, I think you could divide larger bubbles into several smaller ones to break down the concept into pieces. Particularly in the section for SRL, there are some large bubbles with a lot of information
    – Visually, I think that some more colour coding (using more distinctly different colours for each section) would help to follow the information within each section.

    I really like how you included reference to BC’s new curriculum. Great C-Map!

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