CMAP 2 Todd Millway


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3 Responses to CMAP 2 Todd Millway

  1. angela cowin says:

    Hi Todd, I like the conciseness of your Cmap and your use of color to identify the various topics. I noticed you did not include Social Contexts in your topics, so maybe you want to add that information?! I only noticed because it was my facilitation topic. I personally would make the main center topic larger so that one can identify easily your starting point. I would also use a different color/shade for the theorists if your program allows you. Lastly, have you thought about expanding on co-regulation and Perry in the SR section? Although it is your concept map, I feel if someone else was following along they might need to be reminded of what that looks like. Great work so far!
    Cheers, Angela

  2. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hi Todd,
    I really enjoyed reading your Cmap. I am actually using Popplet with my students and used it for the first time this week and I can see why you chose it to make your Cmap as it creates clear and organized representations of ideas.

    I like the colour coding for your different sections and I would suggest that you change the colours of your connecting lines according to this code as well. That way you can follow lines easier to see when they connect with another concept as it can be difficult to track them when they intersect with one another.

    I noticed in the Self-Regulation section that you have a heading for co-regulation and a connecting line to motivation. You could also add a bubble for meta-cognition and some sub-bubbles for this concept as it is an important facet of SRL.

    You could also have some connections from Social and Emotional learning to Vygotsky and Constructivism as there is an emphasis on the social aspect of building empathy towards others in this learning area.

    Your motivation section is really well developed and I am looking forward to learning more about this concept in your upcoming presentation!

    My final suggestion is that I don’t see a section or mention of social contexts of learning and this could be added. Perhaps this could also be added and connected to Constructivism and Vygotsky as there is an emphasis on culture and the social “systems” (meso, exo, macro etc.) of the individual in Urie Brofenbrenner’s ecological systems theory.

    Great work Todd :).

  3. olivier salvas says:

    Hi Todd,

    First the map is very clear to follow. I like that the colours are present but subtle. I like that you added examples of what the theory of learning development is. Not many of us have done so, which is great. This makes me realize that maybe I should! Thanks! hehe
    I would add more information about Social-Emotional learning and add important keywords (in my opinion) such as relationships, social-awareness and decision making.
    For the behaviourist, I would add more information about rewards, consequences and punishment. As for Piaget for me I would add something about the natural environment.
    I’m looking forward to see the final result and how diversity and social context will be integrated to your map or in your final presentation. Keep it up!

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