Oli – Version 2



Here is the color code for the lines

Blue – Items linked to Behaviourist Theories

Green – Items linked Cognitivist theories

Red – Items liked to constructivist theories

Black – Items linked within other concepts

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3 Responses to Oli – Version 2

  1. simon kwok says:

    Hi Oli,

    Your mind map really showed the interconnected of the concepts that we have learned in this course so far! I like the hierarchical format of organization that makes it very easy to follow!

    Some questions/suggestions:
    There are links with arrow heads – what do they mean? Is it a cause->effect link? I noticed that some arrows go from smaller ideas to big ideas (the elements of Society points toward Diversity Learning) while some go from big ideas to smaller ideas (Social Contexts of Learning towards social interaction, etc.).
    This one is just a small thing. While the hierarchical structure made it easy to read down along a concept, the links that connect ideas on the background criss-crossed a lot and it was difficult to follow at times.
    Another small thing – Lastly, I like how you have big bubbles above “Individual” to signify that everyone is different based on a lot of different elements like race, sexual orientation, etc. However, you linked them to society, and then from society you listed out the differences in the pink boxes. Is it a little repetitive?

    An awesome job overall Oli!

  2. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hi Oli! Great job on your concept map. I really appreciated the legend before I read it to help me understand what each line signified.

    I liked that in the sections of SRL and and Social Contexts of learning you had headings that explained what they were in brief. You could add this to the other sections to create consistency across the map. As well, you have goals listed as a sub-heading below Social and Emotional Learning, but it is above SRL and I’m not sure if it has a different significance by being placed above and in a different colour.

    I like your graphic at the top left of all the components that make up an individual and that they are all connected to society. As they play such an integral role in the concept map, you could shift them to the centre, or just closer to the word society as there is a strong connection between them.

    The final suggestion is to stream line some of the arrows. I noticed that some sub-concepts on areas of SEL, Society, SRL, all point to one heading. For example all of the emotions that are listed each have an individual arrow pointing to SEL. You could have them consolidate into one arrow that has a heading in it to explain that they all connect to SEL or to any other concept that has multiple arrows coming from concepts of a similar theme.

    You did an excellent job of connecting the theories we have learned so far to the learning concepts we have covered in the last few weeks. Great work Oli and keep it up! 🙂

  3. cherie nagra says:

    Hi Oli,
    The organization of your information/your understanding of the topic is awesome! Suggestions/commentary:
    -I’m not sure why under individuals there is a little box, like it’s a check box. I was confused by that.
    -The linkages between theories, diversity leanring, social contexts etc is very strong. I’m wondering if some of the lines should perhaps be solid as opposed to dotted? Is there a reason that most lines are dotted – meaning is there significance to that?
    -I really like the pedagogy section under self-regulation, meaning I like how it is laid out very clearly. Do you feel this needs to be included in other sections, such as diversity learning? I see that you have a small section under queered, but perhaps this needs to be fleshed out more?
    -Should the social context fall under society in your given structure?
    -Should influences go under society in your given structure?
    Overall, so well done, very detailed, you’ve added all of the theoretical components in a manageable way.
    Great work, Oli!

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