Renuka’s C-Map Draft#2

Weaving Ideas Together Renuka’s C-Map #2

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6 Responses to Renuka’s C-Map Draft#2

  1. olivier salvas says:

    Dear Renuka,

    First, I’d like to say that I’m really wowed by the progress of your map since I commented on your first one. I really like the new layout. It is clearer and more personalized. It seems to flow better and the ideas are way more detailed. Way to go!

    Now the feedback:

    Social Learning: I personally would go deeper with Brofenbrenners theory. As he is a theorist, people with no knowledge of his studies wouldn’t be able to relate.
    As for Archer’s 3 Orders of Reality, I would have less writing and maybe more of a point form.
    As for the socio-constructivism, I would add more details about it’s content since it is linked to the new BC curriculum and other areas of your map.
    For the behaviourist, I would add information about the transfer of learning and memory. Also, maybe you could add examples in classrooms today.

    Looking forward to see the end-result!

    • renuka senaratne says:

      Thank you Oli for noticing the change and for the helpful feedback. Yes my map has changed quite a bit since draft 1. Now that I have a feel for Coggle I will go back and add further details and connections.

  2. simon kwok says:

    Hi Renuka,

    I like how you organized your ideas by having them branch out from bigger topics/concepts to smaller, more specific ideas. I also like how you group the concepts we learned into 3 big ideas: info processing theories, educational paradigms, and media/technology and other theories.

    Some suggestions for you:
    – I noticed that under “real world applications” you mentioned a few things – these are the same across multiple strands. Would you be able to provide specific examples rather than just leave them as classroom practice, benefits/positives, etc.?
    – I think Bronfrenbrenners’ theory was a big part of the social contexts of learning. Perhaps expand to include all the systems that he mentioned?
    – Just wondering about the choice of colours of your lines. I see that you have a central colour scheme for each big idea, but within that they were different shades. Do they have any significance with regards to how ideas connect?
    – For the forms of constructivism, I think more information is needed in terms of explaining what they are as well as similarities/differences between them.

    Keep working at it! You have a great second iteration of the CMap! 🙂

    • renuka senaratne says:

      Thank you Simon for the helpful feedback. I agree I need to add a bit more information. I have was trying to sort out the colours, but it looks like I can’t choose the colours I want on the free version of Coggle. I think I’ll sign up for more features. This will also help me sort out the lines. Thank Simon.

  3. cherie nagra says:

    Hi Renuka,
    I love the look of your CMAP, very clear. I’m going to write in point form for my suggestions:
    -Under Socio-Emotional learning>Real World applications> the Integrate SEL and Embedding SEL sections run into each other, can you seperate them out more possibly?
    -In all of the sections, perhaps the definition should come before any subsequent points rather than being on the same level. I think highlighting the definition is important, which is why I’m suggesting to increase it’s importance within the CMAP.
    -Social Contexts of learning lacks in content. Are you still going to add this section? This was already covered in class, I as well struggled for content in this section.
    -Placeholders for motivation and technology >I appreciate that you’re thinking ahead.
    -I really like that you included Piaget’s stages of development, I think I need to add that to my CMAP so I can remember in the future.
    -Under cognitivism, the same issue that I mentioned before, perhaps the definition should have more importance or should be stand alone away from the types of knowledge sub points.
    -Your constructivism section is very strong, well done.
    -You have Other Notes listed, will you be adding to this later? Is it a place holder? We have covered that content in class already.
    -Spelling Error – Walson should be Watson.
    Well done, clear, concise and a visual delight!

    • renuka senaratne says:

      Thank you Cherie for all the helpful suggestions. I’m glad you think its clear. I use Coggle which made more sense to me than CMap. I agree I need to add information to a few more sections. Thanks for taking the time to look at my work.

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