Sharissa Desrochers’ CMAP Draft #2


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6 Responses to Sharissa Desrochers’ CMAP Draft #2

  1. robyn evans says:

    Hi Sharissa!

    Nice job on your CMap. Here is my feedback:

    – under Behaviourism – I’m not sure about the “intervening variable” link between neobehavourism and Banduras social learning/Hull Tolman Miller – as well as the .

    – check your spelling in some areas – culturally inclusive classes; hierarchical

    – I like how you have added graphics and colour coded theories/areas of development – is there any other way to differentiate the information?

    – in the behavourism section – I can’t seem to find anything about observable behaviours

    – not sure about the instructional design link off SEL – just seems to float there a bit – can you add any other information here?

    – I do really like the way you have included the “tie to” links… great way to show connections between overlapping areas of theories


  2. Sheela John says:

    Hi Sharissa, I really like the colour and font you used for your web – it made it easy to read. The diagrams for diversity, SEL, and Bronfenbrenner’s theory are also a nice touch. I appreciated the detailed examples you gave for instructional applications and concepts.

    I found a couple of typos: from diversity there is a bubble that should read “culturally” inclusive classes… and the bubble that leads off of CoP …and construct “identities”. Not sure if this is a typo, from Piaget – how and why we think – information processing “theory”. Perhaps you could add to the UNICEF bubble to explain why it is included. My last suggestion would be to make the connection between Archer’s and Bronfenbrenner’s names and their theories clearer by putting their names in the connecting arrow rather than separating them with the concept bubble. Hope that makes sense!

  3. angela cowin says:

    Hi Sharissa, I really like how you identified the main theories on the top and the learning topics on the bottom with connections in the middle. I find the use of color effective but you may want to differentiate a few items. I personally like to see the theorists a different color so they are easily identifiable. The addition of under-represented theorists is very useful and I like how you did additional research on that topic. However, I found you might want to expand on the BC curriculum section in the SEL topic. Unfortunately there are a few typos so I might want to reread your Cmap before the final submission. I think the images you have inserted make your ideas very clear. Good work!

  4. Sharissa Desrochers says:

    Thanks for the feedback critical friends! I certainly struggled with the software/my computer to make this CMAP, and part of that was the zooming issue, which is probably why there were so many spelling issues. I’m going to try to download the software on my work computer and see if I have more luck. In the future I think I will use the other CMAP software that a lot of you used, it seemed a lot more user friendly. I will take all of this feedback in, and make the necessary changes for my final CMAP. Thanks everyone!

    • cherie nagra says:

      Did you use the CMAP software suggested by Shawna? If not, do you have an alternative? I’ve found that loses some of the words or spelling…I find it frustrating! Maybe mine is too detailed for that program.

  5. renuka senaratne says:

    Hi Sharissa, I really like the layout of your web. It was smart to put Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Constructivism at the top and then link to the other theories down below. I like how you included graphics as well. Those are great reminders of some of the content that we learned. I find the colour of the background and The bubbles fun to look at, but hard to read visually. You have done a great job of synthesizing the main ideas and showing how different theories tied together.
    When I look at the section on social and emotional learning you might want to expand on this section and give further examples of how you could teach SEL. Great job Sharissa. You are one smart cookie!

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