Davinder’s HDLT presentation

I used Puppet Pals 2 to create each slide and then uploaded them into iMovie to complete the video.

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3 Responses to Davinder’s HDLT presentation

  1. Sheela John says:

    Your presentation was a thorough overview of the themes we covered in this course, Davinder. I thought you used some interesting images to reinforce your points about differences in development. You elaborated on social contexts of learning and how that would look in the classroom. It is clear that you think about your students’ experiences and seek to create a respectful, active, and collaborative environment. I like how you linked theory to your practice. Well done!

  2. joti chahal says:

    Hey Davinder,

    A very creative combination of Puppet Pals and iMovie! Your images reflect your annotation very well. There is a lot of theory but also input from your own teaching experience which is great. It is clear that your thoughts on development and teaching are very student-centered. I particularly like how you included social media and emoji’s into your development and learning process. Overall, this was an insightful and enjoyable video!

  3. jennifer mathis says:

    I really enjoyed your presentation, Davinder. I particularly like your connections to classroom applications, and your focus on student outcomes. I appreciated the point you made about learning and development occurring both inside and outside of the classroom. I can’t think of many ways to improve upon it, but I would consider making reference to particular theories and research that influenced your thinking in different slides. Thanks for sharing!

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