Sharissa’s SLDT presentation

I made my presentation using PowToon.  It took me a few takes to get the recording without any coughing.  I had never used PowToon before, and it took me a while to get going, but I’m happy with the final product.  For some reason the youtube video jumps in a few seconds, so you must drag the player back to the beginning to see the entire video.

I realized after creating my video that I didn’t overtly address my experience in this class, so I’ll take a moment now to do that.

As you can see in my theory of student learning and development that I have taken a lot away from this class.  In fact, I took a few of our class activities into my own classroom, like the talk of ZPD and RPSLS (rock paper scissors lizard spock).  I also played the “how to get doctors to wash their hands” recording from freakonomics when discussing behaviour changing tactics.  The biggest thing I have taken from this course is the reflection in our every day practice, which can include taking a step back and acting as an anthropologist in your own classroom.




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4 Responses to Sharissa’s SLDT presentation

  1. davinderjit sandhu says:

    Hey Sharissa,

    What a great job you did in producing your video. Powtoon is a great program and I have used it with my students to create presentations. Your video was very informative, linked to theory, infused with your thoughts and beliefs about student development, and linked to your own classroom. I like the 21st century skills that you embed into your classroom and your awareness of the autonomy supported classrooms and hands-on process, which aid in making meaning of real world problems.

    I feel you have included many of the theories that we have discussed but they have been integrated in a practical way rather than just as a theory…

    Great job Sharissa!

  2. Sheela John says:

    I enjoyed your Powtoon, Sharissa. I like the way you link the theories we have been learning about to your practice. You describe practical applications of self-determination, self-regulated learning, and social learning theories in your classroom. Your message is clear and direct. Well done!

  3. todd millway says:

    Great link to Makers!!

    You have nailed everything that should encourage teachers to create some maker activities in their classrooms. You remind us that it is our job to create the environment in which students are engaged and will learn. As you mention, making creates choice and autonomy.
    I like the Fail and Sail acronyms, hadn’t heard of those.
    The key you finish up with is solving real world problems. Teachers of younger students need to adopt this as well, as we can’t leave all the hands on to the high school tech and shop teachers.
    Hope you liked playing with Powtoon. Nice clear visuals and sound.

    Go makers

    Have a great break

  4. Sharissa Desrochers says:

    Thanks for the love peeps! Have a great break!

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