Belinda’s HDLT Presentation

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3 Responses to Belinda’s HDLT Presentation

  1. Sheela John says:

    Very thorough presentation, Belinda! You’ve reviewed key influences on your thinking such as specific theorists and observations about your family. I like how you articulate your beliefs about how learning and development work together. I also enjoyed the creative combination of drawings and photos in your presentation. Well done!

  2. joti chahal says:

    Hey Belinda,

    I like how you begin your presentation with the notion of development from birth. You are never afraid to include pictures and stories from your personal life – I love that! Connecting theories to your experiences and opinions is very effective. You have articulated your HDLT in an entertaining yet succinct manner, what a great balance. Overall, fantastic work!! Enjoy your break 🙂

  3. amelia walker says:

    Hey Belinda,
    I really enjoyed your presentation. All of the words and pictures you used make it very easy for the viewer to follow and understand. I LOVE how you used examples of your own children. As a parent you have a firsthand experience of child development to apply to your HDLT. I appreciate hearing that experience from you as I don’t have kids of my own!
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

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