Oli’s Presentation

Here is my Pokemon Go – EPSE 501 Edition video!

For most of my work, there are hidden messages and meaning behind the imagery and choice I make. My brain is very artistic, which I understand some elements might not be easy to understand at first.

Brief, the main message of my movie is to show that Being yourself and the ability to feel like you could be yourself without judgement is one of the key to succeed.

I hope you will enjoy and that some elements will make you reflect and smile.


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3 Responses to Oli’s Presentation

  1. Sharissa Desrochers says:

    Great video Oli, so original (as usual!!!). I loved the hints of Orangeade throughout. I also love how you picked Pokémon go! I know that one of your biggest things is your understanding of youth’s need to feel connected through social media, and their engagement through gamification. I feel like this video nicely summed up our course, but also acted as an homage to what’s really important to you (educationally speaking).

    Great work, and I hope you have an awesome break!

  2. davinderjit sandhu says:

    Hi Oli,
    I really like the unique and creative take on your presentation. The video is combined with theories, classroom needs, and connections. You have chosen a clever way to demonstrate your understanding of the theories and have made some connections between them. I also like how you have included your beliefs about what should be supported in the classroom… (and you filmed the whole video)!
    You’re enthusiasm and energy is shown throughout the video along with the popular ‘Pokemon Go’. Good job Oli.

  3. renuka senaratne says:

    Wow Oli! What a creative and clever presentation. Creating Pokemon stops was brilliant way to show the content of this course. You definitely earned the learning theories coupon. You explained all the learning theories so well. How many locations did you do your filming? It was fun to watch. Bravo!

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